Jason Salavon

Since the 1990s, Jason Salavon's practice has explored the dynamic relationship between computational technology and visual culture. His work spans both data-driven art, transforming vast cultural datasets into compelling visual forms, and generative art, using custom algorithms to create original imagery. His pieces, held in collections such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Museum of Modern Art, uncover hidden patterns in popular culture and human behavior.

Steven Rings

Steven Rings’s research focuses on popular music, voice, and transformational theory. His first book, Tonality and Transformation (2011), received the Emerging Scholar Award from the Society for Music Theory. His second book, What Did You Hear?: The Music of Bob Dylan, is forthcoming from the University of Chicago Press. Rings is Associate Professor in the Department of Music at the University of Chicago.

Where Fun Comes to Play: UChicago Library's Growing Video Game Collection

While the University of Chicago is colloquially known as “the place where fun comes to die,” ironically, its faculty, programs, and students routinely push boundaries in the fields of gaming and often prove UChicago is “the place where fun comes to play.” The study of video games is a young, exciting, and growing field, and the UChicago Library is actively developing a video game collection to support video game studies and research on campus. Join us for a hands-on game session and learn more about UChicago Library’s growing game collection. 


Experience Less Commonly Taught Languages

The University of Chicago teaches more than 50 languages each year, many of which are less commonly taught languages. Join us in the Chicago Language Center to learn more about these diverse languages and experience what it is like to learn some of them. During this session, you will be able to experience 15-minute mini-courses about the following languages: Catalan, Portuguese, Basque, Turkish, Persian, Norwegian, Yiddish, and Ukrainian. Attendees become not just less commonly taught language learners, but also gain an introduction to their historical, academic, and global importance. 

Archaeology of Sinbad the Sailor

In this session, the presenter will address one of the most important and least understood periods in the development of the ancient “global economy.” About 1,200 years ago, at a time when the early Islamic empire of the Abbasids in the Middle East and Tang China were the two global superpowers, daring merchant seafarers began—for the first time in history—sailing from the Middle East to China.

Arts and Humanities in Collaboration

With the flourishing of new arts programs in theater, creative writing, and media arts and design at the University, the Humanities is now reimagining itself as a place not only for thinking about art but also for making art. In this session, five UChicago faculty members will discuss how their “Arts Labs” initiative at the Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society seek to shape a culture of experimentation and critical analysis around arts research.

Experimental Performance Games in the Making

In the 2020s, we have seen an unprecedented expansion of transmedia storytelling (a narrative technique in which a story is told across multiple platforms and formats). While the constellation of “Web 3.0” is arguably more of a buzzword than a present reality, new or expanded technologies and forms have emerged, including augmented reality, virtual reality, artistic applications of AI and machine learning, play-to-earn games, and more. 

Human Being and Citizen: A Hands-on Approach to the Humanities Core

What is the Humanities Core? Why is it foundational to the University’s educational mission? How did it come to be? And how has it changed over time? This hands-on session enables participants to experience just one of the many ways that the Humanities Core Curriculum extends beyond the classroom, to appreciate changing approaches to the Humanities over the past century, and to learn about the depth of undergraduate research engagement with the University’s Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center at the Regenstein Library.

Early Modern Print Culture: Spain and Latin America

This presentation offers an introduction to the book cultures of Spain and Latin America in the early modern period. Working hands-on with books printed between 1500 and 1700, attendees will view original examples of works of anatomy, botany, devotion, law, fiction, and poetry from the Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center at the Regenstein Library as well as authors such as Miguel de Cervantes, Garcilaso de la Vega el Inca, and María de Zayas.