How do you breathe correctly? How often should you take a deep breath? What if the air that surrounds you is polluted? Contaminated by uranium and asbestos from the mining industry? Poisoned by history? By hate and violence? What if breathing makes you dizzy? What if it makes you sick? What if the air carries bacteria? What if it carries death? Imperialism has always functioned through the suppression and exploitation of breath. In Franz Fanon’s words, "Under these conditions, the individual's breathing is an observed, an occupied breathing. It is a combat breathing." But what if we take Fanon’s conjecture not as a diagnosis but as an aspiration? A conspiracy? What is the potential of both breath and breathlessness to share and create knowledge? What would a breathing machine designed by Fanon look like? How can we build it together?
Session 3
Neubauer Colleguim
Archive Year